Who we are:

Elevate Douglas County was born out of the local coffee shops, town hall meetings, and neighborhood conversations. Elevate Douglas County is a grassroots organization, of dedicated residents, engaged business owners, and conscientious public servants. Our mission: to steer local politics back towards the time-honored principles of integrity, truth, and respect.

Our commitment is to the well-being of our neighbors and the flourishing of our community. With every carefully analyzed ballot and every piece of clear, unbiased information we provide, we are nurturing an informed electorate. We believe that knowledge is the foundation of democracy, and we strive to make complex issues accessible to all, cutting through the misinformation that too often invades our local discourse.

Elevate Douglas County stands as a beacon of respectful communication and unwavering integrity. We advocate for open dialogues on front porches and in public forums alike, always ensuring that our conversations are as respectful as they are factual.

As we champion candidates who embody our small town's spirit of thoughtful leadership and civil service, we are reminded that in a place like Douglas County, every voice has the power to echo through the community and every vote can shape our shared future.